
For standard delivery, your package generally reaches its destination within 10 / 20 business days. However, please note that delivery times may vary depending on the region. In Europe, deliveries typically take between 20 to 30 days, while South America may experience delivery times ranging from 30 to 40 days.

Your delivery may experience extended wait times during this period. To track the precise status of your order, please visit the 'Orders' section in your customer account.

Regrettably, we can only accommodate address changes for orders made with pre-payment as the chosen payment method. Due to our expedited delivery procedure, pre-paid orders are promptly forwarded for processing and packing immediately upon order placement. As a result, it becomes impractical to modify the delivery or billing address at this stage. We kindly request your understanding in this matter.

Feel free to place an order on our online store whenever it suits you. You can also reach out to our Customer Service team for assistance with placing your order, whether it's over the phone or through written communication, such as via email or regular mail. If you opt for ordering via phone or in writing, please note that we accept payment exclusively through Debit or credit card transactions.

The status of your order can be checked in the 'Order' section of your account.

Due to technical constraints, we can only accommodate order cancellations for those paid in advance. Alternatively, you can choose not to accept the package upon delivery or return the order within a 30-day period.

Payment in Advance: Upon placing your order and receiving the order confirmation, you will be provided with our bank details. You can proceed to transfer the full payment to this account. Please note that the time for your payment to reach us may vary depending on your bank, typically taking 3-5 business days. Once we receive the transfer, your order will be processed

Changing Payment Method After Placing an Order unfortunately, we are unable to modify your chosen payment method once an order has been submitted. Our orders are promptly forwarded for preparation and dispatch, making it impossible to make any alterations at this stage. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Please be aware that the time it takes for your payment to reach us may vary depending on your banking institution, typically taking 3-5 business days. Rest assured, we will promptly notify you via email once we receive your payment, and your order will be dispatched at the earliest opportunity

We will send by email once payment confirmation

You have 30 days to return an item.

Please get in touch with our customer service team for further details on how to proceed concerning damaged or faulty items.


+353 0830982652

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